Why Strengths

Understanding team strengths will awaken the dormant potential that lies within your team. Utilizing the Gallup CliftonStrengths assessment tools and proven methodology as our baseline, we create deeply meaningful insights that impact individual and team performance and development. The incorporation of Gallup Strengths takes a strategic approach to arranging, aligning, and partnering talents to highlight synergies and excellence within teams.

Levels of Strength Immersion

Our strengths affect the lens through which we see and experience life. It’s important for us to acknowledge how our strengths land within the world and how they contribute to our individual success. The more we understand them, the more efficiently we can leverage them to create success, happiness, and joy.

My approach to Introduce, Immerse, and Integrate strengths creates an incredible journey for individuals and teams.

Alison Anesta - Your Strengths Advisor - business consultant & gallup strengths coach

Strengths Offerings

Introductory Coaching Session - $800

For individuals interested in investing in their strengths, Gallup Strengths Coaching provides the perfect opportunity to learn about and leverage your talents.

The introductory coaching session will provide a strong foundation of strength knowledge and an opportunity to receive guidance on any areas of interest you may have.


  • Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment & Reports

  • 1.5-hour Individual Strengths Coaching Session

Coaching for Individuals

Begin your personal strengths journey with these incredible coaching options.

Immersive Coaching Session - $350

Your strengths journey continues beyond the Introductory Coaching Session, with Immersive Coaching Sessions.

These sessions deepen the knowledge of your strengths and offer clarity on specific aspects of your career, strategic partnerships, and personal relationships.


  • 1-hour Individual Coaching Session

  • Suggested frequencies: Weekly, Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly.

360° Feedback Assessment - $800+

This proprietary assessment is modeled to your unique strengths profile to enhance developmental coaching.

360° Feedback Assessments utilize your network to provide incredible insight to your noticed behaviors, helping to practice self-regulation in amplifying and curbing your strengths for maximum benefit.


  • Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment & Reports

  • Custom 360° Assessment for peer distribution

  • Consolidated Responses from Recipients (anonymous)

Coaching for Teams

Invest in your team to discover the strengths and brilliance that lies within it. These offerings are perfect for high-performing teams looking to find their stride and gain a strategic edge.

Team Coaching Package - $400/person

Team coaching strengthens alignment and inclusion within your organization. Each member will receive a strong foundation of strength knowledge and an opportunity to receive guidance on any areas of interest.


  • Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment & Reports

  • 1.5-hour Individual Strengths Coaching Session for each team member

  • One pre-meeting with key client contact (1-hour in length)

  • One post- meeting with key client contact (1-hour in length)

  • Minimum of 4 team members to qualify

Team Strengths Analysis - $2,500+

Beyond the individual, team strengths help develop synergies and strategic partnerships within workgroups. Gain insight into your team with a customized, strategic look at individual and team strengths.


  • Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment & Reports

  • Personalized team grid creation

  • Executive summary with concrete actionables

  • 1-hour presentation of findings with key client contacts

  • Maximum of 10 team members included in pricing

Team Strengths Workshop - $6,000+

Discover the ultimate team-building opportunity with a Team Strengths Workshop. This immersive experience expands your teams knowledge of strengths and extends it into learning and illuminating those within the team.


  • Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment & Reports

  • Personalized team grid creation

  • 3-hour interactive team workshop (in-person or virtual)

  • Maximum of 10 team members included in pricing

Coaching Alternatives

Interested to learn about your strengths but not ready to have a coaching session or team breakthrough? These are the perfect options for you.

Strengths Profile Analysis - $250

Whether you are searching for a deeper understanding of yourself or members of your team, there are incredible insights in the Strengths Profile Analysis that will help you prepare for what is next.


  • Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment & Reports

  • One-Sheet Analysis of the Strengths Profile

Strengths Webinar for your Team - $500+

Offer an interactive and purpose-driven virtual event to your team with the Strengths Webinar. The activities identify team strengths and create a fun way to connect with each other and develop an informal knowledge of strengths.


  • 60-minute Strengths Webinar

Additional Strengths Offerings

These intuitive services can be added to any of the Strengths Offerings

Business Advising

Implement a strategic application of strengths into your business operations.

Strengths-based Job Descriptions

Attract top talent to your organization by infusing benchmark talent indicators into your candidate search.

Interview & Article Content Creation

Incorporate business and personal strengths insights into your marketing copy.

Resume Enhancements & Refresh

Showcase your unique strengths profile into your professional resume to help you stand out.

Meet Your Strengths Advisor

Alison is a Business Psychologist and Certified Gallup Strengths Coach, who specializes in talent-mining, business advisory, and change-management. Alison utilizes behavioral science and neuroleadership principles to help her clients reach their personal potential and business goals.

Within her master’s program thesis, Alison developed a compelling People Framework for Start-up Businesses, which she has brought forward into her consulting practice. Rooted in psychological and neuroscientific principles, her framework has identified the optimal driving forces that should make up the foundation of the employee experience.

Her one-on-one advisory work evaluates and diagnoses the existing culture of an organization, then prescribes and implements the deliverables from her People Framework necessary for the client to build and/or reinforce their people strategy.

The scope of Alison’s work is centered on the principles of cultural integrity, human capital planning, strengths-based leadership growth, team engagement, and change management.

Connection to Business Psychology

Strengths are the gateway to understanding brain functionality and how it translates into inherent behaviors.

Recognizing your strengths and the strengths of those around you can help you to individualize your approach, progress with authenticity, and gain more traction with the strategies and ideas you advocate.

About Gallup CliftonStrengths

The StrengthsFinder Assessment measures the specific order of 34 CliftonStrengths talent themes. This talent DNA explains the unique ways individuals accomplish goals by building relationships, thinking strategically, executing plans, and influencing others.

Gallup research finds that people who know and use their CliftonStrengths are:

More engaged at work | More productive in their role | Happier and healthier